Environmental printing house – printing plus:
Green printing, offset, digital + letter shop + advertising technology + textile printing + car wrapping + green marketing, sustainable, certified climate-neutral. Ahead of the times.
Newsprint, Extramatt Recycling, Lessebo, Rough, Smooth, ecoFIBRES, Photo, Envelopes, Labels, Extramatt, Extrarough Recycling, Extrasmooth Recycling, Extrarough 2.0, Extrasmooth, Pure Cotton, Embossed (Leather, Linen, Micro, Stone), Rough with 5% COLOR, Multiloft, Top (Multiloft 150 + 190 gsm)
Printing technology
Print data check, Letterpress, Digital / drytoner A3 plus format, Hybrid Printing (Offset & Digital), Offset A3 (plus) format, Offset half format (approx. 50x70), Special colour, Creasing/Scoring
Print projects
Printfarm, Stationery, Address label, Sticker, Report, Book on Demand / Print on Demand, Booklet, Envelopes - printed to the edge, Envelopes - nearly printed to the edge, Unprinted Envelopes, Brochure, Book, Invitation card, Flyer, Photo book, Calendar, Catalogue, Magazine, Mailing, Folder, Poster, Business card
Saddle stitching, Wire-O-Binding, Perfect binding, Soft Cover, Hard Cover, Swiss binding, Thread Stitching, Japanese binding
Processing / Finishing
Punching / Die Cutting, Lasercutting, Embossing, Cellophane, Perforation, Hot Foil, Cold foil, Lettershop
Order size
Small orders (up to 100 copies) personalised, Small orders (up to 100 copies) standardised, Mid-size order (up to 1.000) personalised, Mid-size order (up to 1.000) standardised, Big-size order (> 1.000) personalised, Big-size order (> 1.000) standardised
Carbon Neutral, Renewable Energy Use > 50%, FSC, PEFC
UmweltDruckhaus Hannover GmbH
Klusriede 23
30851 Langenhagen, Deutschland
Contact person
Nils Lohmann