Welcome to our ecoFIBRES product range – which includes papers upcycled from sugar cane waste, recycled from cardboard and factory waste and from alternative fibers such as hemp. One rough surface and mostly in two substances - a light text weight for letterheads, envelopes, catalogues, and brochures; and a thicker board weight for letterpress, cards or covers. Engineered for HP Indigo digital printing and optimized for all print processes. Enjoy.
9 x ecoFIBRES
Introducing our alternative fibre portfolio. A collection of papers made from hemp, sugar cane (aka Bagasse), textiles, recycled-carton, textile and mill-waste fibre.
50% mill waste
100% mill waste
100% Upcycling from Denim
50% Recycling
50% Recycling
100% Sugar cane.
50% Recycling
100% textile upcycling