All About


Text by Metapaper

Sustainability is an important and complex issue which is all too often reduced to ecological sustainability and certifications. In our opinion sustainability is far more diffused and differentiated. We examine sustainability within three core pillars: social, economic and environmental. 

When approaching issues of sustainability, within the context of the three pillars, it is advisable to define a target that can compare and contrast a company’s actions and activities with the general status of the industry. As Metapaper we have identified the following goals:  

  • Permanent reduction of CO2 emissions as the most important sustainability goal in order to even come close to achieving the 1.5 degree target.
  • 100 per cent use of renewable energies or energies with low CO2 emissions.
  • FSC® certification for all products made from wood fibre (FSC®: SGSCH-COC-009212)
  • Compliance with social standards by our factory partners and listed printing houses
  • Best possible, equal and transparent prices for our customers, allowing Metapaper to work profitably and in a future-orientated manner at the same time
  • Reasonable prices for our factory and printing partners. Only those who are profitable can invest in the future.
  • Transparency in the reasons why one printing company is listed with Metapaper and another is not.

And here is our dedicated sustainability statement with all the hard facts.

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