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Letterpress de Paris

29 rue des Cascades, 75020 Paris

Vues 238

LETTERPRESS DE PARIS was first a stationery brand based on letterpress / hot foil printings and collaborations with illustrators. As it also appealed graphic designers and agencies willing to have their own projects printed the same way, it eventually became a print service too. Located in Ménilmontant (20th district of Paris), the LETTERPRESS DE PARIS print shop is one of the very few places in Paris specializing in letterpress, hot foil stamping and embossing. Still in connection with many artists from the french and international scene, it provides a trendy and colorful style and an innovative technical approach to letterpress. Custom works can be ordered online at letterpressdeparis.com or by visiting the shop in Paris.



Lessebo, Packaging / COLORS, Packaging / Colors, Pure Cotton, Enveloppes


Vérification des données d'impression, Letterpress


Printfarm, Matériel de bureau, Carte de visite, Carte d'invitation

Nombre d'éditions

Edition moyenne personnalisée (jusque 1.000), Grande édition personnalisée (> 1.000)

Traitement / Finition

Dorure à chaud, Perforation, Poinçonnage, Gaufrage, Bord coloré

Développement durable


Coordonnées du contact


Letterpress de Paris
29 rue des Cascades
75020 Paris, France


Jean-Frédéric Pouvatchy
E-Mail: contact@letterpressdeparis.com
Tél.: +33 1 42 62 48 41

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